The lead in: Logan, R.N., is apprehensive about allowing her little sister, Kim, who suffered a spinal injury in the plane accident that ended their mother's life, to attend a summer camp for children with physical challenges. The recommendation was first initiated by sexy Dr. Zack Dellinger, the camp director, whom Logan finds too appealing. She silently wars against her attraction to him. In order to keep an eye on Kim to make sure she's not pushed beyond her comfort level, Logan volunteers as the camp nurse. Her most unsettling fear, however, is centered on Kim's participation in the therapeutic horseback riding program.
Overhead, the sun shone hot and white puffs
of clouds scudded across the azure sky. She inhaled deeply, unexpectedly
refreshed. Thinking again about her sister's recent blush of improving health,
she decided maybe all along she herself had needed some of this pristine
outdoor life as well. In fact, ever since the accident, taking a vacation had
been the farthest thing from her mind.
Too bad it had been Zachary Dellinger's
idea that Kimberly come to Camp Rippling Waters and not Logan's. If Kimberly
were to accomplish the feats of recovery he'd suggested earlier, Logan would be
loath to give him the credit. Besides, last thing he needed was one more female beholden towards him, for any reason.
As the stables came more plainly into view,
she stopped short and blinked. There were Zack, Betty Jo and Kim, backs turned
in her direction as they stood inside facing Midnight. It appeared Kim was
leaning forward, feeding the black Arabian something from her flattened palm
while Betty Jo and Zack stood flanked on either side of her wheelchair.
Logan stiffened. Zack promised her he'd go
easy. He'd save the horseback riding till later. Though she had agreed half-heartedly
to the planned activities he'd suggested for Kimberly last night, the horseback
riding had still left her apprehensive.
Watching them, new dread washed over her.
Why was Zack rushing this? Had his promise to her last night, a softly spoken
prelude to his heated embrace, served merely as a tool to break down her
resistance? Without a doubt, he was a master at breaking down a woman's
Promises, she thought dully as she forced
herself to turn away and blot out the scene before her. Empty, hollow promises. Now, in the revealing light of day, what
good were they?
Buy Link for Her Sister's Keeper: http://amzn.com/B007ULHBXQ
(July 2015 Update: Please check the Books Pages for the complete list of "buy links.")
To read more "Six Lines" from other participants in Friday Freebits, go to http://mizging.blogspot.com
Buy Link for Her Sister's Keeper: http://amzn.com/B007ULHBXQ
(July 2015 Update: Please check the Books Pages for the complete list of "buy links.")
To read more "Six Lines" from other participants in Friday Freebits, go to http://mizging.blogspot.com
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